Here are just some funny things I have come across on the net. Of course, if your sense of humour differs from mine greatly, you could just laugh at what passes as my sense of humour. So in the end everybody wins!

Axes of Evil
George W. Bush - comedy's gift to the world. This email has probably done the rounds thorougyly, but it really cracks me up. Chadguay...hehehe.

Calvin and Hobbes Snowmen
I adore this selection of Calvin and Hobbes where Calvin shows his artistry in the snow. Morbidly hilarious while being cute at the same time.

Fellowship of the Rings (for Dummies)
Tolkien abridged. Extremely amusing, but contains spoilers for the book so don't read unless you already know or have watched the movie over and over).

Normally, reading a horoscope is enough to make me laugh. But here be a collection of instances where people take the mickey out of horoscopes.

In the movie Legolas is way too pretty for his own good and maintains perfect and different hairstyles for three hours of fighting. Huh. Here's why.

The Phantom of Les Miss Saigon
The musical parody co-written by Fred Nerk and I; now with masks, drug dealers, exotic dancers, unrequited love, unplanned pregnancies, tragic deaths and catchy melodies. What else can you ask for? (Wait, no, don't answer that.)

Red and Black
A (slightly rude) parody of Red and Black from Les Mis, born out of a misheard lyric by one Fred Nerk, written in several fits of giggles by said Fred Nerk and I.

The Two Towers (condensed)
Enjoyed the movie? For those unable to sit through another three hour tribute to Tolkien and New Zealand from Peter Jackson, here is a tongue-in-cheek abridgement of the second movie of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, written by a fan.

World History (by Dummies)
An essay of collected bloopers made by students in their history essays.


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The banner picture is from the TealPaint Art Gallery.